by Joanna Dermenjian | Jun 25, 2024 | Article, Artifacts, History
“My 100-year-old friend Joan died recently, and I am trying to sort her belongings. I have a quilt that was given to her during the war; she told me that it had come from Canada and that when she first had it there was a note saying where it had come from. It is in...
by Joanna Dermenjian | Feb 6, 2024 | Article, Labels, Red Cross, Research
In the April 1987 issue of ‘Canada Quilts’, a letter to the editor was published from a British woman, Pauline Adams, who was looking for information about quilts made in Canada during the Second World War, that had been shipped to Britain. Pauline wrote: “There seem...
by Joanna Dermenjian | Sep 21, 2023 | History
Quilts tell stories. Quilt tell stories about who made them. The designs, the colours, the materials used, the patterns in the fabric, the quality of the construction and stitching, all tell us something about the person or group who made it. Quilts from wartime also...
by Joanna Dermenjian | Aug 30, 2023 | Article, History, Research
This week, after finding the 1941 image of an underground hospital in London in wartime (posted on my IG account), I decided to look for more references to quilts in British newspapers. I found the article above in the Western News in Cardiff, Wales, dated August...
by Joanna Dermenjian | May 21, 2023 | History, Research
Last month when I made a presentation at the Museum of Lennox and Addington in Napanee, Ontario, I was asked how I became interested in this research about the quilt-making and other handwork by Canadian women during the Second World War. One of the reasons, I...